Saturday, June 7, 2008


blitzkrieg downpour
come nights of the yore
with lacerated hearts
and mutilated souls

numb to the very core
lid is sealed so tight
kills every ray of light
silence forevermore

if you open up this door
and let the demons roar
this inundated hell
it's mortifying smell
is a doomsday gospel
nightmares underscore


Winnie the poohi said...


My Foot? said...

nightmares underscore!
oh freak!

Too freakin good! I mean, how the hell did you come up with that..

The rest of the poem was sweet, but I'm in love with "nightmares underscore"..

Florence R. said...

Why is it always evil inside?
Is evil always buttered with goodness to cover it all up?

I so agree with Mani...nightmares underscore.